We want a professional setup, so to achieve additional security to ensure that we are not deploying a broken website we want our output tested. One easy way is to setup an automated test that parses the html of our generated website and checks for syntax errors as not closed html-tags and broken links. This is a kind of E2E test, which can be done with very few lines of code.

The Basics - what are we talking about today?

The Travis CI lifecycle

A Travis CI build runs certain steps when it executes the build. We can hook into each step and define custom actions to execute within each step. We are already using install, script, and deploy step in our .tavis.yml and you can find a full list in the Job Lifecycle Docs

# .travis.yml
- bundle install
- JEKYLL_ENV="production" bundle exec jekyll build
  provider: script
  script: bash script/deploy.sh

HTML Proofer

HTML Proofer is a Gem that checks your resulting site to ensure all links and images exist and that we didn’t forget to close a HTML tag in a template. We’ll run it after the jekyll build was done on our docs folder as an aditional test in the script step, so we can gain confidence that current changes don’t break the website and we are one step closer to Continuous Delivery

Install the plugin

We add gem 'html-proofer' in our Gemfile

# Gemfile
group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'html-proofer'
  gem 'jekyll_picture_tag'

and install it with bundle install

▶ bundle install
Using html-proofer 3.15.3
Bundle complete! 8 Gemfile dependencies, 45 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Run the test locally

▶ bundle exec htmlproofer docs
Running ["ImageCheck", "LinkCheck", "ScriptCheck"] on ["./docs"] on *.html... 

Checking 12 external links...
Ran on 4 files!

- ./docs/404.html
  *  External link http://localhost:4000/404.html failed: 404 No error
- ./docs/index.html
  *  image /generated/flag-775-e90e07ca7.png does not have an alt attribute (line 36)
- ./docs/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html
  *  External link http://localhost:4000/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html failed: 404 No error
htmlproofer 3.15.3 | Error:  HTML-Proofer found 3 failures!

We see that it finds 3 errors, 2 of them refer to an non existing external link and one to a missing alt tag for our flag image. We are ignoring the external links for a second and fix the misssing alt tag first.

Provide an alt-tag for Jekyll Picture Tag

In our index.markdown we add the --alt parameter to create the missing attribute

# index.markdown
{% picture flag.png --alt This is a flag for demo purpose %}

Rebuild and check linking

▶ bundle exec jekyll build

▶ bundler exec htmlproofer docs
Running ["ImageCheck", "LinkCheck", "ScriptCheck"] on ["docs"] on *.html... 

Checking 12 external links...
Ran on 4 files!

- docs/404.html
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/, which does not exist (line 21)
     <a class="site-title" rel="author" href="/my-new-website/">Your awesome title</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/about/, which does not exist (line 31)
     <a class="page-link" href="/my-new-website/about/">About</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/assets/main.css, which does not exist (line 18)
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my-new-website/assets/main.css">
- docs/about/index.html
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/, which does not exist (line 21)
     <a class="site-title" rel="author" href="/my-new-website/">Your awesome title</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/about/, which does not exist (line 31)
     <a class="page-link" href="/my-new-website/about/">About</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/assets/main.css, which does not exist (line 18)
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my-new-website/assets/main.css">
- docs/index.html
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/, which does not exist (line 21)
     <a class="site-title" rel="author" href="/my-new-website/">Your awesome title</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/about/, which does not exist (line 31)
     <a class="page-link" href="/my-new-website/about/">About</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/assets/main.css, which does not exist (line 18)
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my-new-website/assets/main.css">
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/feed.xml, which does not exist (line 46)
     <a href="/my-new-website/feed.xml">via RSS</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html, which does not exist (line 41)
     <a class="post-link" href="/my-new-website/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html">
            Welcome to Jekyll!
- docs/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/, which does not exist (line 23)
     <a class="site-title" rel="author" href="/my-new-website/">Your awesome title</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/about/, which does not exist (line 33)
     <a class="page-link" href="/my-new-website/about/">About</a>
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/assets/main.css, which does not exist (line 20)
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my-new-website/assets/main.css">
  *  internally linking to /my-new-website/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html, which does not exist (line 67)
     <a class="u-url" href="/my-new-website/jekyll/update/2020/07/22/welcome-to-jekyll.html" hidden=""></a>
htmlproofer 3.15.3 | Error:  HTML-Proofer found 15 failures!

We see that the htmlproofer fails because it expects all files to be in our baseurl subdirectory my-new-website. This is exactly the place it lives in our live site, so we make it happy by moving everything into that subfolder and run it again.

▶ mv docs docs2 && mkdir docs && mv docs2 docs/my-new-website

▶ bundler exec htmlproofer docs
Running ["ImageCheck", "LinkCheck", "ScriptCheck"] on ["docs"] on *.html... 

Checking 12 external links...
Ran on 4 files!

HTML-Proofer finished successfully

That looks good.

Let’s setup the test in the Travis CI build

We add the HTML Proofer call to our .travis.yml with the lesson learned that we also need to create the subdirectory in the docs folder. We create a test docs folder called docs_test and remove it when we are done

# .travis.yml
- JEKYLL_ENV="production" bundle exec jekyll build
- cp -a docs docs2 && mkdir docs_test && mv docs2 docs_test/my-new-website
- bundle exec htmlproofer docs_test
- rm -rf docs_test

To speed up the installation of HTML-Proofer we also set the global variable NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true and adding the appropriate addon for fetching with libcurl

# .travis.yml
  - secure: fpXV7C9QagH87UQLu...
    - libcurl4-openssl-dev

The updated .travis.yml file

After those changes your .travis.yml should looks similar to:

language: ruby
- 2.6.3
dist: trusty
sudo: false
cache: bundler
  email: false
- bundle install

- JEKYLL_ENV="production" bundle exec jekyll build
- cp -a docs docs2 && mkdir docs_test && mv docs2 docs_test/my-new-website
- bundle exec htmlproofer docs_test
- rm -rf docs_test

  provider: script
  script: bash script/deploy.sh
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true
    branch: staging
  - staging
  - "/\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?(-\\S*)?$/"

    - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true # speeds up installation of html-proofer
    - secure: fpXV7C9QagH87UQLu...
    - libcurl4-openssl-dev

Let’s run the build

We are adding our changes to git and push to start the build

▶ git status
On branch staging
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/staging'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   .travis.yml
	modified:   Gemfile
	modified:   index.markdown

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

▶ git add . && git commit -m"setup html proofer" && git push

Now we head over to this Travis CI build and have a look what happens

Great, that worked well.


We setup an automated test that ensures the validity of our output with HTML Proofer. If any issue is found, the build will fail and we don’t push broken html to our website.